Healing The Mother Archetype - May Spiritual PIES Practice

This is part of May’s “Our Public Memory” PIES emotional Practice on healing our shame. If you missed this newsletter, read it here.

To heal our shame we must practice being vulnerable. That often means reflecting upon challenging situations or experiences, facing hard truths about the people or the World as it is, or communicating in ways that feel risky, unpolished or emotionally charged. 

Reflection upon challenging experiences, facing hard truths or vulnerable communication are key practices for observing, honoring, and healing our relationships to the Mother archetype, as well as for repairing our current relationships to our mothers and children. It’s our belief that all of the healing practices we’ve shared over 2022 are applicable to our healing and holding of Mother. Our recommended arc is:

If you desire a healing arc around your relationship to Mother, begin with grounding yourself. Take walks, notice your surroundings; allow yourself to get into the present moment. Be in observance of the moments as they move, without judgment.

Then, get acquainted with your own resilience. Where are you talented? Where do you contribute to others? But also, where do you need to develop more resilience? Choose the resilience key that best answers those questions for you and follow the instructions on how to use those keys to develop that resiliency edge. What have you learned about yourself?

Next, engage yourself in a reflection on the things that you value. Use the values discussion cards either on your own, or get 1-2 other people to engage in the conversation with you. Once you’ve identified 3-5 values, ask yourself what these values say about your needs in life? How do you want to communicate those needs to others and request their support in meeting those needs?

It’s here that we look to the practice of radical inquiry – inquiring of ourselves the questions and things that matter most to us AND inquiring the same of others around us or with whom we want to develop our relationship.

It might seem like this is A LOT of self-reflection work for something as abstract as “Mother archetype.” All I can say is that grounding, clarifying your resilience and values, and considering ways for communicating your needs are important ways of knowing you and the uniqueness of you as a fully PIES experience. 

So whether you are on a general healing path for yourself, are looking to create new self-care practices, or are earnestly wanting to heal and repair your physical or metaphysical relationship to Mother, we invite you on this healing journey with us, wherever you fit in.

Have another healing practice that you think is on topic? Share it with us on our private Facebook group!