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We use ritual to bring cultural trauma into public memory.


Our work is built around four pillars of feminine leadership.

Feminine leadership is not based upon gender identity or gender expression. It’s based upon gender energy, which is a polarity of feminine and masculine energies that form a spectrum of identities and expressions. HEALING is fueled by feminine energy. In many Eastern cultures, healing energy is associated with YIN, which is also known to be feminine energy. So to develop your feminine leadership is to develop your abilities as a leader who heals others, or a healer who leads others, regardless of your chosen gender identity and expression. What does feminine leadership look like? How does one tangibly express it in everyday life? Feminine leadership is a full PIES expression and compels development and expression to occur on all levels of our Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual (PIES) energy centers. Below are the areas of leadership development and expression that align with PIES energy centers. They are the pillars of feminine leadership that define the tangible expression of political healing, and include the PIES practices we want to enhance and develop. 

Learn more about the 4 Pillars PIES Practice for developing your feminine leadership development


Sharing our Stories (Spiritual)

Our stories are powerful, transformative and, too often, unheard. Together, we can rewrite the story of our world.

We share our stories to:

  1. Acknowledge our talents and our traumas

  2. Find value in our sacred selves and our unique contribution to collective


Healing our Shame (EMotional)

We create nurturing spaces where trauma is acknowledged, emotional expression is welcomed, and where we can heal together.

We heal our shame to:

  1. Create and show up in trauma-informed spaces

  1. Handle emotions

  2. Cultivate emotional intelligence and resilience

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Politicizing our Experience (Intellectual)

Our lives are shaped by politics - and it is our duty to reshape politics as usual.

We politicize our experiences to:

  1. Develop/enhance worldview analysis

  2. Reclaim our learning, leading and teaching styles

  3. Expand access, inclusion and equity methodologies


Taking Radical and Restorative Action (Physical)

We not only heal ourselves and our loved ones, we stand together to protect and transform our communities.

We take radical and restorative action in the following ways:

  • Healing justice

  • Grassroots base building

  • Community protection

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