Community Protectors Toolkit

We are reeling from crisis after crisis in this country - from gun violence and the repeal of Roe v. Wade, to the long-term effects of COVID, just to name a few.

The Community Protectors Toolkit includes tools and resources to support community leaders’ ability to address the crises within their communities. The idea of community protectors and the program behind it is to empower people, both folks with privileges and folks with multiple marginalized identities, to take up the task of confronting the world as it is while simultaneously building the world we all need it to be and as it should be.

When public and private entities fail to meet the needs of Black, indigenous, people of color, trans, non-binary and gender-nonconforming people, we must step up to take on those challenges. This is why we brought in frontline experts from various communities and organizations to share their experiences and knowledge. We invite you to download our toolkit and learn from these incredible and brave people.